Judith Miller (philosopher)

Judith Miller (born 1941) is a French philosopher, and the daughter of Jacques Lacan — radical psychoanalyst, and wife to prominent Lacanian Jacques-Alain Miller.

As a Maoist philosophy lecturer at Vincennes in Paris, her radicalism caused her philosophy department to be decertified.[1] This occurred after she handed out course credit to someone she met on a bus, and subsequently publicly declared in a radio interview that the university is a capitalist institution, and that she would do everything she could to make it run as badly as possible. After this, she was demoted by the French education department to a lycée teacher.



  1. ^ Roudinesco, Elisabeth (1990). Jacques Lacan & Co. : a history of psychoanalysis in France, 1925-1985. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. p. 558. ISBN 9780226729978. http://books.google.com/books?id=mmBIght4dVgC&pg=PA558&dq=%22Judith+Miller%22++Vincennes++philosophy#v=onepage&q=%22Judith%20Miller%22%20%20Vincennes%20%20philosophy&f=false. Retrieved 5 February 2011. "A few months later, Michele Manceaux decided to publish her interview with Judith Miller in the press. At the time, the interviewee had no reaction ... He did so, and also withdrew certification for degrees in philosophy from Vincennes. ..." 

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